
Market dashboard allows you to stay on top of price movements happening in the market and gives you all the tools needed to research the market. The dashboard shows market status and news in near* real time. You can view gainers and losers or create your custom own watch lists. You can also set stock alert that will notify you when the price meets a technical criteria you specify.

Accessing Market Dashboard

  1. Login to Investfly.
  2. Click on the first Dashboard icon on left navigation bar.
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Stock News

The lower stock news section shows news for the stocks for selected stock from stocklist section. This enables you to filter the news and only read ones that are relevant to the stocks that you are following.

Gainers and Losers

Gainers and Losers display the stocks with highest gain and loss for the current trading day.

Trade from Lists

One nice feature is that you can trade directly from any stock lists (Gainers, Losers, WatchList etc). Once you have connected a broker account, you can simply select one or more stocks from these list and trade those stocks. Please see Trading from Stock Lists for more details.