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Stock Screener
Investfly stock screener is the most advanced and flexible technical stock screener that you will ever find. You can use all available fundamental and technical indicators, configure them by using your own parameters (such as period, bar size and bar unit), use mathematical operators (addition, subtraction), and even run scans based on comparison or correlation. Here are some sample queries you can run with our stock screener, but you can’t with most other screeners out there.
- Find all stocks that have outperformed TSLA in the last 17 days.
- Find all stocks that meeting following the criteria: ( Open 5 days ago - Close 6 days ago ) > ( Open 6 days ago - Close 7 days ago).
- Find all stocks with SMA(5, 10-min bar) > SMA(7, 5-min bar)
Screener Features
Our screener supports following rich features.
Create and save multiple screeners
You can create multiple stock screeners, give them unique name, description and save them for future re-use. You can also edit and delete your saved screeners.
Screen Criteria
You will use logical expression involving fundamental and technical indicators, mathematical operators and numeric constants. Please see Expression Overview and related pages for more details on how to define logical expressions.
Retrieve Indicators
Once you have the list of stocks matching your criteria (screener results), you can request for any indicator values for each stock in the result. They will be added as new columns in the results table.
Download Results
You can download results into Excel for further analysis.
Trade From Results
You can trade multiple stocks directly from screener results. Please see Trading from Stock Lists for more details.
Create and save multiple screeners
You can create multiple stock screeners, give them unique name, description and save them for future re-use. You can also edit and delete your saved screeners.
View Saved Screeners
You can view your saved screeners by following the steps below. You can also delete existing screener or create a new one from this page.
- Login to Investfly
- Click on Screener menu item ( ) on the left navigation bar.
Create new screener
Follow the steps below to create a new screener.
- Access Screener List
- Click Create New Screener button
- Popup dialog will appear and show predefined screener template in a slider.
- You can either pick one of the existing template or click on ‘Create From Scratch’ button.
- Enter Name, Description and Visibility. Public screeners are viewable by other Investfly users.
- Define screener criteria expression.Please see Expression Builder for more details on how to define expressions.
- Click on Create
Working with results
The results will be updated every 10 secs with the latest stock prices. The results table supports sorting by any column. To sort by column, click on the column header. You can also search if any stock is in the result by using the search bar.
Adding indicators to results
You can request indicator values for stocks in the screener result. They will be added as new columns in the results table. Follow the steps below:
- Click on Change Column
- Select Indicator Dialog will appear
- Click on the text box. All supported indicators will appear as list. Or, type some text and the filtered list of supported indicators matching the text will be appear.
- Select your indicator like “SMA”.
- Configure Indicator parameters (if you selected SMA, you must provide values for period, barsize, barunit etc).
- Click on Add.
- Repeat steps to add more indicators.
- Finally click the Update button.
Downloading results
Click on the the Download CSV button to download the results to Excel.
Trading from results
One of the nice ability is to trade directly from screener results. Once you have connected your stock broker account, you can select multiple stocks and trade them directly from the results page. See Trading from Stock Lists for more instructions.